Do you ever lose your focus on what is really important? It seems when this happen, we skip from one thing to the next. Oh this will make me happy or that will make me happy ... oh look at that over there ... and the list goes on and on. And then there's the ... only if or what if ... games our mind plays on us. If only I had more money ... If only I had more time. I happen to have been born with a mind ... a creative mind ... might I add <smile>... that runs 90 mph at any given time. Let me tell you that when your mind runs that fast, your body cannot possibly keep up. I have things I want to do and I run out of time or I run out of body power. I have caught myself recently not sitting still and talking more to my Father in heaven. The only reason I think this happens is because of where I've been ... on this cancer journey. I think I have felt that I lost creative time this past year to this mean old disease and I guess in reality maybe I have but I want to focus on what I have gained. I have gained a greater walk with my Lord. He's been my bestest friend. Sometimes I may push Him away when I think that I can handle things on my own ... well that's just a big shame on me ... because I know that hurts His feelings because He desires to be right beside me all the time. I crawl back to Him as the guilty child and I reach for His hand and say ... I am sorry Father. He grabs me and holds me tight and I know things are going to be OK. Thank you Father for loving me no matter what.
I mentioned in a post last week about The Prayer series that Pastor Robert is doing at Gateway. He is one of the most open preachers I have ever heard. He puts it all out there about his own life. He mentioned in his first sermon on prayer that a few months ago his own prayer life was lacking. He didn't know why. I do not remember how he figured out what the problem was but he shared this with us. Generally when we stop praying and moving away from God in our prayer life it's because we do not want to have to think about the things that we need to pray about. Kinda like that saying ... out of sight, out of mind. If we don't pray about them ... we don't have to think about them ... then our world is OK. WRONG! We are not OK, we are 'stuffing' ... stuffing those issues that need to be on our lips asking God for help in getting us through the issues/dark valleys. I learned the word 'stuffer' from the book I read a while back titled
Unglued by Lisa TerKeurst. Get a copy and read it. Your eyes will be opened w-i-d-e. I don't want to be a stuffer, it gets nothing accomplished. How about you?
Oswald Chambers quote ... "We have to pray with our eyes on God, not the difficulties".
The rain came during the night or at least I think that's what I heard <laughing>. It must have because this morning when I woke up at 4:57am, Tootie had moved from her usual sleeping spot over across my body to the other side. For some reason she does that when it rains or storms. I vaguely remember hearing a noise that sounded like rain but I do not remember hearing any thunder or seeing any -more- flashes of light. She's still all cuddled up on my bed covered by her little pink baby blanket ... snoring ... as I type this post. Of course she is laying right in front of the stand fan that blows on my face at night ... so she's probably a little chilly.
I hope you have had a good weekend. I have. I enjoy my time off immensely. I have a little less than three years until I can retire and I look forward to that day.
Blessed and praying blessings for you today.
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