Father Of The Bride Speech Wasn't that just awesome? I thought so.
So let's see what's been going on? Well I'm gaining a little weight and I am NOT happy about that. They told me the Arimidex (estrogen inhibitor) does not make you gain weight but it makes it difficult to lose.
I'm really still five pounds under my Weight Watcher Lifetime goal weight but I would sure like to lose these three extra pounds. The weather has been off and on and off and on ... by that I mean it's been cold and warm and cold and warm. Gosh, it won't make up its mind but I say ... I'm just glad to be here to enjoy whatever the day holds. Two weeks ago I had a four day weekend. A day off combined with a Federal holiday and I had a long weekend .... and I was SICK! uuuggghhhh The crud struck me and the Thursday before my long weekend I decided my self medicating was not cutting it ... you know making me well so I decided to go on to the doctor. She said my lungs were clear and that was good and it was not the flu, however, there was a sinus infection and this incredible croupy cough. Since I did not have temperature that day, she just wrote me a prescription for an antibiotic and said if I started running fever to get it filled. OK, so I'm not very good sometimes at minding so I went that Thursday afternoon, got the prescription filled and started taking it for my sinus infection. That was Thursday night ... the antibiotic was Doxicycline (not sure that's spelled right). This antibiotic is a broad spectrum antibiotic so it cures everything. Along about Saturday morning when I got up and had three of those antibiotics, my upper torso was covered in hives. I mean my eyes were swollen almost shut, I had hives in my hair, all over my face and all over my chest and it was spreading downward. Hello Benadryl!!! I ended up taking Bendadryl and Zyrtec to get rid of the rash. On Monday ... my holiday ... I made another appointment for her to look at this rash to confirm my diagnosis and she did. So add this antibiotic to the list of other antibiotics which includes penicillan that I am allergic to and I ask her if there was anything left. She assured me there was so that made me happy. However, I didn't want anything else and she didn't give me anything else. I just weathered the remainder of my crud taking Benadryl and Zyrtec. See below for the monster I looked like when I got up Saturday morning. Nice, huh? <Don't answer that.
Since this nice time of crud and rash, I've recuperated well and am feeling back to normal.
Last weekend my friend and fishing partner, Phil, came over and helped me get a fence panel for the fence between me and my neighbors. He replaced it for and I was so thankful. Since then my friends have come and re-done the fence around my gate. It looks great and I'm so happy to have this done. The fence became incapacitated <it was falling down> while I was going through cancer and treatments. My ex-hubby came over and propped it up the best he could and I was thankful for that too. Just happy to have this done.
On Monday we had a little going away pizza lunch for two guys that are retiring on the 28th. One of the guys I've known for as long as I've been in the NWS and he is a sweet friend. When he got up to give his going away speech, he shared with us his favorite movie .... The Wizard of Oz. As he began to talk to mentioned my friend, Leslie, as the good witch. He told how he appreciated Leslie's friendship and she was such a good and caring person. He went on to name the person he thought of when he thought of the Scarecrow with all of his useless information and everyone roared. Then he came to the Lion. The Lion who wanted and need courage. He said the person that reminded him of the Lion was Gena because I had shown everyone what courage really was as they all watched me journey through breast cancer. The more he talked and spoke of my courage, the more my eyes welled with tears and my lip quivered. When he was finished, I was able to voice a quiet Thank you. And if Mike is reading this blog today ... thank you. Thank you for being such a sweet person to everyone, thank you for being my friend and thank you for your speech on Monday. It meant the world to so many of us. I never thought about myself as being courageous until Monday but going through a life-changing devastating disease ... you do find your courage.
It is getting to be gardening time and I'm so happy. Oh yea, my 'greens' are growing great. Here's a few more pictures of them. They are about ready to cut some and have fresh salad greens. See how big they are getting? You know me and arranging these pictures do not mess well. I don't get it... <smile>
One more thing ... You know the show ... Funniest Home Video ... well I have the funniest home photo. About three weekends ago, we (my girls and I) and the grand littles went to the Stock show while it was in town. I think I posted about that and how much fun the grand littles did NOT have. Well my daughters wanted a cute picture with these little baby goats. The baby goats kept trying to eat Madelyn's hair and she did not like that and Braxton was forever done with the Stock Show ... however, look at the great picture of my girls. It's OK you can laugh ... everyone has. Is this not the cutest ... typical grand littles and smiling Mommies.
So that's it for me. I hope you took the time to click on the link at the top and see the Father's speech for his daughter who was getting married. It's awesome and funny.
Take time for your family ... love on them.
Psalm 31:24 ... Be of good COURAGE, and He shall strengthen your heart, all you who hope in the Lord.
Blessings to you all! Would love to hear from you. Leave me a comment.
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