I'm up and dressed and getting ready for the day. ONE thing that I do NOT have to do over this four days is mow the yards. I did all that last night ... my sisters as well. Her and I have been sharing duties in both yards ... she mows it all and I edge/weed eat and blow the sidewalks, porches and driveways. Works well. Doing it all by myself was a chore but I got through it.
Note to self ... rework the blog and background so I have more room for pictures that I can make orderly. I am somewhat challenged trying to post pictures and words on my blog so you get what you get ... there's just no order. Sorry ... but it's the best I can do with what I've got to work with <myself and blogger>. <smile>
Something I need to say ... it still hurts ... what you ask? It still hurts when people make ugly comments about my mastectomy. It happened yesterday and it hurt. I got passed it but please remember to watch your words when talking to someone who has had a mastectomy. While <we> the person may kid about it sometimes, it does not mean others can say things and it not sting.
I got my girls ... yep, four of them. They are so pretty, not to personal and they are NOT laying yet but they are fun. They should begin laying by mid-June <I hope>. A couple of people at work are bringing me their empty egg cartons and my plan is to fill those up and share our eggs ... we just gotta get them started producing those eggs. I've had to modify the coop just a tad because of where I put it. The rain runs right off the shed and down by the coop and was splashing in the laying pellets which causes them to sour and smell and of course the girls won't eat them <who can blame them, the soured food stinks>.
Below is a video I took right after I got the girls. Tootie views the chickens as play things and 'mean red mama' does not want to play with her.
The gardens are doing well too. I have a critter sneaking into the strawberries and eating the berries which are ripening before I can pick them. It's not a bird because they peck things, this critter is nibbling about half the berry and moving on to another one. I see a fence in the future for that garden. The tomato plants are loaded with tomatoes and I discovered last night that the first tomato that grew is now turning red. I can't wait. The peppers are putting on too and guess what? I have peppers that I have no idea about. I decided this year to change things up a bit so I bought different types.
More pictures below.
My youngest grand little, Brooklyn, will turn one year old May 30.
One of the NWS family has lost his wife to the dreadful cancer disease. She fought a long and hard battle and she lost that battle last Saturday. She lost the battle here but she won the war in Heaven. She entered Heaven and was made whole. I pray daily for her sweet husband who I've had the pleasure of knowing for many years.
My oldest nephew has been selected for a position in Dallas and he's coming HOME. Justin has been gone for many years ... four years at A&M, six years at USC getting his doctorate and a year at FSU running their research lab. My sister and I are so happy. This move means both of her guys will be back closer to home. Can't wait to get him here and see him excel in his new position.
Below are the rest of the garden pictures I wanted to post. Not sure I'll have as many flowers this year because I've worked so much on doing other stuff. The picture with the yellow flower pot was made by my girls and grand littles for my Mother's Day gift. I love it. There are hand prints from the grand littles.
So with this I will close. I miss blogging so much but always know that if I'm not blogging I'm out living life. I tell you one thing, I'm not wasting a minute of life.
1 John 4:8
Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.
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