The title of today's post title happened this morning at 4:45am when I took my little pooch out. Tootie and I walk out on the patio every morning as I coax her to do her business. I was standing in front of the flood lights that flood my backyard with light during the deep dark hours of the night. Have I ever mentioned that I am afraid of the dark? Well I am but that's another blog post. Anyway when you have flood lights on your patio, you have little flying insects aka bugs and when you have bugs you have those precious little geico things. Those precious little bug catchers make a noise, have you ever heard it? The first time I heard it I had no idea what it was. The noise was coming from behind a wall decoration I had hanging on my patio. I got up the nerve to move it and there were a group of friends (geicos) back there talking. I startled them and they didn't appreciate my invasion to the conversation so I left them alone. Anyway this morning I was standing in front of the flood lights and I could hear another geico conversation and turned around to look at the friends who were talking. Just as I turned around to look at Tootie, I saw it ... a falling star. You know what I did? GASP and made a wish really quick. Welllllllllllllll they always say wish upon a falling star so I did. You know what I wished for? I ain't telling you.
A week ago last Thursday I was diagnosed with shingles in my mouth. GREAT! Praise the Lord I caught it early, got to the doctor and got on the Valtrex to shut the virus down. Blisters started on Wednesday breaking out on the left side of my pallet first and then moved to my throat and gums above my teeth. The left side of my face was very tender and Praise the Lord there were not any in my left ear. The key to shingles is recognize it ... don't deny that's what it is ... catch it early to get on the suppressant to shut the virus down. And then I got a sinus infection with the left side of my head being affected the most ... yep, it's all tied in together. I have a sensitive immune system and if I get too tired things like this happen. Yesterday morning I got outside about 9:30am to do some things I wanted to get done and I got so hot that it set me back a notch or two on getting over the sinus stuff. Lesson learned ... don't do that again.
My quilting is going pretty good in my opinion. I finished quilting the first jelly roll quilt I made. I sewed the binding on it yesterday and guess what? I ripped it all off so I can start over today. It wasn't that I did anything wrong with the binding, it was perfectly cut and ironed and easy to sew on ... however, the quilt was not quite ready for the binding exercise. This quilt is my test quilt on how I want to quilt and has many different patterns some I made up myself but unless you really study it close, you wouldn't notice. OK, well maybe you would ... at least I'm doing it ... mistakes or not. The biggest step is to BEGIN. And talking about quilting, my sister and I visited went to a little quilt shop in Keller yesterday. The lady who owns it was awesome. She has such a neat set up ... one part of the building is her quilt shop and the other part is her home. She was so down to earth and was walking around barefoot and happy. The shop was three rooms with different stuff including fabric which is $6.95 yard every day the sign said. In the room in the front of the shop ... there it sat ... a long arm quilting machine. Oh how I wanted to see that thing work and lo and behold she showed me. There was a family tree quilt she had made for a customer on the machine and she quilted so much on it and gosh, that machine makes quilting so easy. Where I am moving my quilting sandwich (back fabric, batting and quilt top) to quilt, she moves the arm and it does all the work and it is so cool. She sets things up on the computer for it to run by itself and the parts that were more complex she quilting by just moving the quilting arm. Here's a picture of a long arm quilting machine ...
Speaking of beginning, today is the day that I BEGIN something else. Begin what you ask? Begin eating better and exercising more. My weight has crept up to two pounds over my Weight Watchers Lifetime goal weight and about 9 pounds over where I was this time last year. THIS IS NOT WORKING FOR ME. There are some things I cannot control ... like having had cancer but that is absolutely no reason I have to let myself go and get fat. Right? Right! Right now in Texas it's so darn hot and doesn't seem to want to cool off even close to dark time so with the heat sensitivity that I have seemed to develop over the last two years, doing anything - like riding my bike - is pretty much out of the question for now so I will use my sister's exercise bike that sits in her extra bedroom. I would love to run with my daughter, Bonnie, and when it cools off I will give it a try. I say try because I do not have much feeling in the balls of my feet and some of my toes due to the chemo. Time will tell and I plan to give it my best try.
Plans for today are to stay out of the Texas heat as much as possible and quilt. Oh and that special trip to the grocery store that I just love - NOT - however, we have a new Sprout's store close to my house. It's very bright and clean and the prices are great so it takes some of the dread away. They have organic veggies and meat so I am set up. I'll make a trip over there and get some things and I will be ready for the week.
So with the latest here at my casa, I'll bid you farewell with this ....
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 - Or know you not that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you, which you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought with a price; glorify god therefore in your body.
Blessings all ... let me hear from you.
"The biggest step is to BEGIN." what motivation! I hope you are doing well. I followed your pic of the long arm to your page. God bless you and yours!