If you are in Texas, you know what I am getting ready to say ... THE HEAT IS ON. While some might thin it is not too bad, I personally think it is hot. It is like walking outside into an oven when you leave an air conditioned place. Personally I immediately begin sweating ... yes, sweating not glistening when I step out. Certainly not fussing because I thank God everyday that He has allowed me to be here and do the things He has laid before me. And to think I used to be a sun worshiper.
There's been - what seems - a lot going on around my house and my sisters house. She had all her floors redone with the tile that looks like hardwood floors. Her floors look amazing. In order for the floors to be redone, meant that her house had to have EVERYTHING taken out and she had to find a place to stay. She and her dog stayed with me. I am so thankful we live across the street from each other and can help each other out. God knew what He was doing in 1995 when He brought my house to me and my girls. I love my neighborhood and my neighbors. Anyway back to my story about my house guest. One of them sheds ... like crazy ... and has little short blondish/yellow hairs ... and she's about 80 pounds and ... OK ... let me just say ... I am not fan of big dogs or dogs that shed hence my choice of a shih tzu that is small and does not shed. My sister was quite amused when Taffy (her dog) insisted on coming over to me and putting her wet nose on my leg or when I started looking around at all the dog hair and that was with my floors being swept every day. Unfortunately I do not have a picture of her beautiful dog for you to see.
I have also had flooring replaced in the two bedrooms that were vacated when my daughter got married. I took the carpet taken out and had hardwoods installed. I have successfully painted both rooms and the hardwood have been installed as well as new baseboards that are on the 'To Do' list this morning so I can get the furniture and stuff out of my dining are and hall bathroom. The picture is of the first floor and baseboards that was complete. The blue tape was keeping the floor planks together for a while I guess so the glue could set. This bedroom will be my sewing room (YEA, I get the sewing machine out of my bedroom) and also plan to put the computer in there. I think my sister and I will be making a trip to IKEA today. I've never been, never really cared much for going however, my nephew got my sister a nice computer desk there.
I went to the funeral/memorial service for a great lady yesterday. Hazel Ruth "Tootsie" Hartsell passed from this earth into the arms of Jesus this past Monday. One day before her 92nd birthday. Tootsie was the most active Christian woman I believe I have ever met. She loved doing God's work. She has three grown girls and the pastor read a remembrance that each one of them had written at the service and they all included that they are the women they are because of their Mom. I heard it said at the service that Tootsie was probably already busy in Heaven. Upon finding out the news of Tootsie's graduating to Heaven, I smiled ... knowing that she was welcomed home with a big hug and the words ...
"Well done good and faithful servant". Matthew 25:23
Life continues to move on and is ever changing. My Mother always said ... Time marches on and waits for no man. I know I am not the one and only person who wishes I could turn back the hand of time and relive some moments and memories from the past, however, life is the way our precious Lord wills it to be. So today ... I challenge myself and you ... what can we do with today. You know we only get one shot at it, we only live this day one time. People have a tendency to live in denial but one day will be the very last day on this earth.
There is a book that I have added to my 'must read' list,
When The Game is Over, It All Goes Back Into the Box - John Ortberg. The book begins with the author playing the game Monopoly with his grandmother and she refused to let him win just because he was 10 yrs old, etc ... and then one day he won, he beat his grandmother and he was so excited and guess what? When the game was over, all the pieces went back in the box. He talks about wanting to leave the game board out and gloat over the fact that he beat his grandmother ... but again, when the game is over all the pieces go back into the box. It's just like our lives - the things we have, the things we keep as treasures, our trophies, our cars, our homes .. will all go back into the box ... none of our 'treasures' will leave this earth with us when our work here is done.
What should matter most to us is what we do to serve our Lord. Luke 12:12-23 - He was successful, faithful to his wife, a pillar of the community, gained wealth and reputation. After his funeral many went on and on how successful he was but he did not know God as Savior. When his soul was required of him, he had never accepted Christ as His Lord and Savior.
The Bible called him a fool, although those who knew and loved him would say otherwise but in Luke 10:27, Jesus tells us what we must do to not die a fools as the rich man ... Thou shall love the Lord they God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, will all your mind and your neighbor as yourself.
So today I know that none - absolutely none of the things I have - will go with but will remember that people are all we get to take to Heaven with us ... and all the temporary things all go back in the box.
Stay tuned ... next blog will be talking about Young Living Essential Oils ... the natural way to keep us healthy.
I guess you and your sister still live across the street from one another. Cool. Mark Priddy 10/07/22