One thing I do know for sure is that God loves me and guides me in all my decisions. When I try to make decisions on my own, things just do not seem to always work out the best. Psalms 31:3 For you are my rock and fortress; For Your names sake You will lead me and guide me. Isn't that an amazing scripture knowing that God is in control?
I got up at 5:00ish this morning and got going. I mentioned Young Living Essential Oils (YLEO) in my last post so I wanted to show you what I made this morning. --- Little cosmetic background about me. I began selling and then using Mary Kay products over 12 years ago. I stopped selling because it was such a hassle and began ordering with family and friends just to get the discount. I decided over a year ago to let my Mary Kay discount go and would use Merle Norman products. That didn't really fit in my budget at ALL. So I decided that was not what I wanted so I joined up again with Mary Kay for $35. to get the discount. And then decided I didn't want to order that stuff when I could make my own using YLEO. I made my first batch of face cream about 6 weeks ago and loved it. So this morning, I have made another jar of face cream and used the jar from Merle Norman (that cost $54.) to put it in. The ingredients ... Organic Coconut Oil and YLEO Frankincense. It's awesome I tell ya! While using the face moisturizer I made, I was using up the last of my MK face scrub knowing that I could make my own with YLEO.
After a trip to my local Sprout's for Aloe Vera Gel and distilled water, I will be making Thieves Hand Sanitizer and Thieves Spray to keep in my purse for use on grocery carts, public toilets, etc. After that I plan to make Thieves Sore Throat Spray for my girls and their families. I am blessed as I do not get sore throats often but I want to help my family. [Side story] I found out when I was pregnant with my first daughter that I didn't have tonsils. Ladies you know when they are taking your history about previous surgeries and ask the question ... when you had a specific specified surgery? Well I was ask at that time when did I have my tonsils out? I didn't have them out ... so it was determined I was born without them. [My family would probably tell you that I burned them out with all the spicey foods that I eat and love. <smile>]
YLEO also has Thieves cleaner that you can buy. It is so concentrated that I think you use 1 to 20 (or something like that) portions. YES, there is a spray bottle of Thieves cleaner in the kitchen and both bathrooms.
The information I've shared on my blog today is a mere tip of the iceberg so to speak with Young Living 100% guaranteed pure Essential Oils. You can cook with YLEO too. Let me know when you are ready to hear more and we can get together one on one or you can gather family and friends and we can have a class. I teach great classes with lots of humor and experiences with YLEO. My classes are not boring I promise.
During the night we experienced some storms [I may or may not have heard the thunder but my little pooch, Tootie did.] So we got up this morning to a clean, cool and refreshing morning. Leviticus 26:4 Then I will give you rain in due season, and the land shall yield her increase, and the trees of the field shall yield her fruit. [Side note from me ... notice the use of the word 'her' ... God realizes how hard we 'hers' work.] <smile>
Prayer request: I believe we ALL need to be praying for the folks experiencing dreadful health issues, especially those who are infected with or going through the possibility of being infected with ebola. You may think it's all hype about this but the state in which our nation's health care is in is scarey. All the more reason I use YLEO.
Blessings for a great week.
I have only ever had a couple of sore throat problems. We’re lucky . Mark Priddy 10/06/22