After retiring almost 2 years ago, sitting at a computer has not been for me. I would rather be outside sitting on the patio reading a good book or eating an ice cream or reading and eating an ice cream at the same time. :-)
Early last Friday I was dead-heading my hibiscus' plants at the side of my house and when finished and got back to the patio, I realized that my left thumb was burning like fire. I chalked it up to getting stung by a bee that I didn't see. I left to go meet my friend, Sue Ann, for breakfast and my thumb kept burning. I mentioned it to her and really was at a loss as to why it was still stinging. It was early afternoon before the sting completely went away. Moving on to this morning when I was again out inspecting the hibiscus and there it was. This yellow furry worm looking thing ... It was a dreaded furry ASP. Honestly this thing gave me the heeby jeebies. AND it was eating my hibiscus. If you have never had an encounter (as in touching an asp) be very thankful. When I was a little girl, I sat on one and I still remember the pain. This not-so-pleasant memory returned this morning as I put this little furry creature on a brick and sat another brick on top of it. If you are an asp lover, I will just have to ask you to forgive me. I'm not a lover of these little creatures and I know how bad they hurt.
And of course I cannot leave out the Morning Glories.
Story time ...
Today I went to Kohl's to buy sheets for my bed. It's been many years since I bought sheets and to get good quality bedding you have to pay an arm and a leg. Thankful for my check out lady who gave me 30% off my entire purchase. I was expecting a gold nugget when I got the sheets home and opened the package but all I found was an anti-theft device. :-) As I was checking out with this sweet little lady, she grabbed the sheets which were a little heavy and she winced and said her shoulder was just not ready. I reached for the bag and bagged the golden sheets myself. As it turns out, today was her first day back after having shoulder surgery. She had been out for eight weeks. The longer I talked to her, the more I loved hearing her adventure about her surgery. She said her husband who had tried to help her get dressed one day, pulled her capris up so high he gave her a 'wedgey'. He said he was trying to find her waist and she told him they were up to her boobs. Honestly, I almost feel on the floor laughing at this sweet soul. She probably didn't intend it to be as funny as it was but I could not help laughing and with me laughing, she laughed. I love connecting with people. I love talking to them and hearing their stories. As it goes in retail, another lady came in to pay her bill so it was time for me to go with my new sheets. I reached over and touched her sweet little hand and said, God bless you and thank you for the laughs. She smiled so big and I walked away with a happy heart. On my way to the car, I thanked God for putting this lady in my path today and ask Him to bless her.
Life ...
I have been retired almost 2 years as I mentioned above. I have loved every minute of it. During the school year, I had lunch with my two kindergarten grands. This has been such a blessing. I've volunteered at both schools and gotten to know the staffs of each school (they are in the same district but different schools). I cannot say enough about how much fun I've had and the many new friends I have made that have blessed my life.
This coming school year I have taken on a little job at my grandson's school. I am going to be a lunch room monitor/helper. You know little hands have a hard time opening those milk cartons and from what I've observed, they may need a little extra coaxing to eat their lunch. They might even need a little hug from a Grammy type figure ... I can certainly do that. I have absolutely no idea what this little position pays and it doesn't really matter. The joy I have that I get an opportunity to give those little ones a smile and a pat on the back or tie a shoe ... what a blessed earning that will be.
Don't Miss It!
Have you taken time recently just to look around you?
While sitting at a stop light ....
Or in a crowd at an airport ....
Or even at your child's sporting event.
If you do, you might be shocked by what you see, most of us are glued to the little glowing screen in our hands while life goes on all around us. I once saw a series of videos of people actually getting into accidents because they were walking while staring into their phones. People walked into each other and into light poles. One poor woman fell into a manhole, while another walked straight into the fountain at the mall.
Sometimes I get the sinking feeling that we are all so plugged into the vast cyberspace world available to us that we're missing the real life that is right in front of us.
Our children are growing up.
The breathtaking beauty of God's creation is on riotous display.
People are smiling at us and doing kind things for one another.
Psalm 90 says, "Teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom" (v., 12 ESV). The psalmist recognized that life is short and that none of us can predict when ours will end. So he asked God to help him remember this truth and live wisely in light of it.
Surely one aspect of "numbering our days" is embracing the wisdom of living them fully, savoring each moment as the gift that it is, being truly present in whatever we're doing. That may mean putting down our cell phones more often.
So put down the screen and look around you. Take time to drink deeply of each and every moment. Life is a beautiful gift. Don't miss the joy!
And besides,m do you want two million people seeing the YouTube video of you falling into the fountain at the mall?
Excerpt from 5 Minutes With Jesus - A Fresh Infusion of Joy -
Author Sheila Walsh with Sherri Gragg
My Fitbit wants me to move (the little man is jumping up and down and the words ARE YOU READY TO MOVE keep flashing across the face, and I just look at it and snarl), it's time for me to close this post. Don't forget to subscribe to my blog if you wish so you will get any future posts. May I honor God in my writings and give you a laugh or two.
Until next time ...
Be kind to one another ...
Smile even when you think it doesn't matter, it does ...
Speak to a stranger and ask how they are ...
And always remember to ...
Live Loved ...
ReplyDelete😎👍 Mark P