Yesterday was a very productive day for me. Cleaned house all morning and did laundry. Since my sister is so sick with tonsillitis and strep, I made her some potato soup and got her some ice cream, took it over and left it on her front porch and rang the door bell and ran .... <smile> Just kidding, didn't run, just walked really fast. I'm praying she feels much better today.
We have decided to suspend our family get together on Christmas eve this year due to the chemo. Every year for 17 years that I've been in my house, we have had a big feast with my sister and her family and my brother and his family. My brother is really concerned about getting together this year since Christmas Eve is next weekend after my chemo. He's afraid I will get sick. I appreciate their concern so much. However, I will really miss our homemade Mexican food feast that I usually prepare and everyone being here and the hub-bub that usually accompanies one of our get togethers. I've added a few pics from Christmas 2010 get together.
We all know ... Family is the best!
My sister Pat - My brother Marvin and me. I got left
out for height.
Travis, my nephew, relaxing with my pooch, Tootie.
My great niece, Addy and her sweet Mom, Krystyn in
the back ground.
My oldest nephew, Justin. Yes, he did just complete
his doctorate at USC in October.
Alicia, my oldest, with her legs tied in a knot on the
hard hardwood floor. Can you do this? NOT
Bonnie and her hubby spent Christmas Eve last year
with his family so I don't have any pics of them for
Christmas Eve.
And we had two precious angels who were added
to our family. Aunt Pat holding little Ms. Madelyn.
My brother aka Poppy playing with his sweet grand
daughter, Addy. He swings her and she laughs so loud.
Rene, Addy's Daddy, Pat and Travis in the food line.
We always have such a wonderful time when we get together be it crowded around my dining room table or sweating at my brothers for our family and friend July 4th party. Family really is everything.
Today is grocery buying, Arby's roast beef buying, and wrapping the remainder of my Christmas gifts. I plan to be walking today as well. It was such a beautiful day yesterday and every time I went outside, I just wanted to bottle it. My front flower beds need cleaning out and how I would love to mow and edge my front yard one more time just so it has the manicured look for the winter. Sick ... I know but that's me. I doubt the yard work gets done but who knows ... I've had my first two steroids. <laughing>
As I sign off for today, I wanted to share a poem with you that I received from a sweet friend. You know who you are ... Thank you.
Do not look forward in fear to the changes of life;
Rather look to them with full hope that as
they arise, God, whose very own you are,
will lead you safely through all things;
And when you cannot stand it,
God will carry you in his arms.
Do not fear what may happen tomorrow;
The same everlasting Father who cares for
you today will take care of you today and
every day.
He will either shield you from suffering or
will give you unfailing strength to bear it.
Be at peace and put aside all anxious
thoughts and imaginings.
* The beautiful weather we had yesterday
* High energy and feeling great. Do not take your good health for granted. When you go outside, look up to the heavens and thank God for your good health.
* My family. I know they love me so much.
* After tomorrow I will have chemo round #2 behind me and there will be only 4 treatments left. Praise the Lord.
Prayer Requests:
* My sister gets up this morning and feels better.
* Debra, who started her journey on Friday by having a single mastectomy. She's a friend of one of my co-workers. I do not know her personally but I do know about her journey ahead.
* All those beginning their breast cancer journey and those who may be having a hard time on their journey
* All goes well with my chemo round #2
I cannot tell you how very much I appreciate all your prayers. I know that our awesome Father is hearing each and everyone of them and He loves loves loves hearing from you.
Wishing you many blessings today and for the week to come.
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