* I did not experience any nausea.
* I did not experience any headaches.
* I am in the care of the greatest oncology/chemo center ever.
* Tylenol stopped my body aches yesterday when I was hurting so bad.
* I am still alive and kicking this Saturday morning.
* God carried me through the entire week and continues carrying me even when I don't have the energy to talk to Him.
* I have the very best family and friends a girl could ever ask for.
* There are only five more treatments to go.
* That all those who have walked this journey before me have been so gracious to share their journey which has given me insight of what I could expect while not necessarily applying to me.
* Dr. Chow, surgeon, released me and said my arm movement is great.
Prayer Request:
* My energy levels return.
* The chemo is doing exactly what it is supposed to do and catching any possible loose cancer cells that escaped.
* That anyone who started chemo after me this past Monday is doing well.
* The Neulasta shot which is what I got the day chemo after is working to build my white blood cells back to a healthy stage so I can continue on with the treatments.
* That Arby's doesn't run out of roast beef. (more on this later <smile>)
After Monday my week has been an absolute blur. If I talked to you during the week, I am not sure of anything I said or did. Monday when I took all the cute snapshots of those drugs running in to my system, little did I know what affect they would really have on my body. I can honestly say that Tuesday was a blur, I honestly cannot remember anything except the dread that I had for Wednesday because I had my appointment with my surgeon and also the wig lady. An appointment meant that I was going to have to get up and move and I was not sure where I would find the energy.
Wednesday morning came and it took every tiny bit of energy I had could muster up to get ready for my appointments. My wonderful friend, Alverna, came and picked me up and away we went. Thank goodness she could let me out at the door of the doctor office where I promptly walked in and sat down waiting for her to park. We proceeded on to the appointment and Dr. Chow was ever so kind and uplifting. I had three questions ... When can I shave under my arms? When I can wear deodorant? Is there anything I can put across my chest to loosen the tight feeling of the healing/healed sutures? Answers: I can shave now but must be very careful because after this type of surgery you have no feeling under your arms. I can wear deodorant again. Do stretch exercises for the tightness of the healing sutures. I will see her again at the end of March and let me say by then I will have taken my last chemo treatment. Praise the Lord.
After seeing Dr. Chow, Alverna and I descended the steep climb up to Baylor-All Saints to get to the Survivor Gal store where my wig awaited to be thinned and styled to my face. By the time we got up there, we had a few minutes to get to the cafeteria only to find they had closed down the breakfast lines and were not opening again until 11:00 ... my wig appointment was at 10:30. I was finding if I had small snacks during my day of salty type foods, I felt better. I settled for a bag of baked Nacho Doritos which were very disgusting but at least the three I ate gave me a little something in my stomach.
We got back to Survivor Gal and the wig was put on my head and blah ... just blah ... I felt bad and to tell you the truth I didn't have much 'care' about me at that moment but because these wigs are very expensive I snapped out of it and Liz, my stylist, fixed the wig just the way I requested. As of this writing (Saturday morning) I am only praying the little jewel looks descent. And if you didn't know, there are wig products you need. Survivor Gal puts together a bag with everything one needs to take care of a wig. I was in no condition to pick and chose what products I thought I would need so I bought the whole set up for $50. I am telling you right now ... Losing your hair is NOT cheap. <smile>
When we came out of my wig fitting room, there was a beautiful young lady waiting for Liz to 'fix' her wig. I looked at this young beautiful woman and I honestly could not tell she had on a wig. It was longer in length, you know the length young women like their hair and it was fixed so stylish. I made comment I could not tell and she pulled it up and showed me her new hair that was coming back in. She was hoping insurance would allow her get a new wig after the first of the year until her real hair got long enough to cut and color. She was such a blessing to me that day.
I could not wait to get back to the car and sit to ride home. On the way, I ask Alverna to take me by Arby's and get me five Arby's Jr Roast Beef. They are bland, good protein and taste so good. After the chemo treatment, my taste buds took a nose dive and not much was sounding good. We got the Arby's and got home, I think I changed in to my pjs and got in my chair and had an Arby's and I was in heaven on earth. I think (no real recollection) that Alverna went to the grocery store for me to get me ... Campbell's Chicken and Stars soup and other things I requested of which I cannot remember any of them to note in this writing. She ended up getting me things like cottage cheese, Yukon Gold potatoes, red/yellow/orange bell peppers for the cottage cheese, chicken pot pies, Bartolli chicken meal that Alicia could cook, and other things of which now escape me. Let me say ... the cottage cheese was a great great idea. Scrambled eggs have also been great.
On Wednesday evening some friends brought over Weight Watchers Tortilla soup and it was so good. At first I didn't want any but my sister warmed up some of the broth and crumbled my beloved Baked Tostitos in it and it was delightful.
I was told that my taste buds would change and boy did they ever. I cannot stand toothpaste. The sweet taste makes me sick and I cannot get the sweet out of my mouth no matter how much I rinse so I am now using baking soda only to brush my teeth. I cannot hardly stand to look at the Mini Saltine Cracker box sitting on my cabinet, I don't know why it's just that way. The first thing I had all week that was sweet was Friday afternoon I fixed myself about a half cup of hot chocolate and it tasted good to me. Monday I had taken a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for my lunch while I was having my treatment ... the thought of PB&J today is sickening to me to think about. Smells are very powerful now ... colognes are terribly nauseating as well as cigarette smoke.
I have seven bottles of Gatorade for sale if you are in need. I thought it would be great to have Gatorade on hand for a break from water and it would also provide electrolytes, etc. I took one sip of the Gatorade while getting my chemo on Monday and almost barfed. No bueno on the Gatorade. I cannot even stand to look at the Gatorade bottles sitting on the cabinet so they will be leaving today ... one way or the other.
I was told to drink at least 68 ounces of fluid per day after my treatment which is really not a problem for me. I'm thankful for that. I generally drink my water at room temperature but all of a sudden cold ice water is delightful. I am still having a cup and half of coffee in the mornings and it still tastes ok. I had a misconception of all the water drinking. The way I thought all of this chemo stuff worked was: You get your treatment, you begin drinking water and wash all the drugs out of your body and wall-la ... everything was done and you go back to normal life. NOT NOT NOT! The lingering effects of the drugs stay in your system and cause their many affects before deciding to exit all the way.
Today is Saturday and I woke up at 4:40am, this was after I got up at 2:00am and had an Arby's of which Tootie got to share. Once my tummy has something in it, I can go back to bed and sleep again. I am praying for my energy level to return but have learned that when I don't have energy, it's ok to lay still and be quiet. With a low energy level, talking is a struggle and when you have to struggle, it's easier just to keep your mouth shut. I kept thinking if I could keep moving the energy would return ... it doesn't work that way with chemo. There is no build up for energy when you have chemo ... you just rest. I'm learning and again I'm so thankful for the cancer/chemo center who is taking care of me.
I'm off now. Typing has worn me out and I'm ready to lay back down for a bit. I'm thankful for so many things this morning and I know that this will get better. I ask for your continued prayers and let me know if you have prayer requests.
Blessings for your weekend.
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