Sunday, October 30, 2011

Let's talk about posture ....

When you have breast reduction surgery that I had, you are cut from arm pit to arm pit with one inch left between incisions on your sternum.  When I look at my incisions, I think 'wow, that's a lot of cutting'.  I'm ok with that because I know Dr. Chow got as much of the cancer out as possible.  But let me tell you what an incision of this nature does to your posture.  Now I have always had excellent posture.  I sit straight with no slumping, I walk straight with no slumping ... slumping is not something I have ever done nor do I plan to start now. 

I was told after my surgery to continue keeping my shoulders back and not give in to the incisions by rounding my shoulders down over my incisions.  I thought I was doing that and I know I was some  but maybe just not all the time.  Until yesterday other than my doctors appointments, I had not been out in public so I decided in the afternoon to take a field trip with my sister to Sam's.  I made a conscious effort to hold my shoulders back just the way I always have as we walked around in Sam's and guess what?   It wore me out.  I could feel the tugging across my incisions as I walked with my shoulders back and my back became very tired.  We were there maybe 30 minutes and I could not wait to get in the car to sit down. 

I will continue to relearn to hold my shoulders back and my chest out like I always have and continue to suck in my stomach to keep my stomach muscles strenthened.  I know my back muscles will continue to get stronger and the incisions are healing nicely.  Actually the incisions I'm told are doing really well.  I would post a picture but it might freak everyone out.  They don't bother me at all.  You see I look at them with gratitude and love and not hate and despise. 

Today focus on your own posture.  Do you slump and round your shoulders or do you walk with your head held high and your chest out.  Humor ....  I try to stick my chest out and there ain't nothing there BUT rest assured I'm sticking it out and walking proudly.  When I look at myself in the mirror from the side, I am only as thick as my skeleton.  I continue to be amazed at what God is showing me during my journey in every realm of my life.

On another note ... Our friend, Anna, wanted to pick up dinner for us at Sammie's BBQ in Riverside last night for dinner.  We chatted about it and I suggested we meet there for dinner instead  (another field trip).  I was actually able to put on a really stretchy t-shirt yesterday so I was up for the public.  My sister and Anna and I have dinner frequently on Saturday nights.  Anna told me to invite my girls and dinner was on her.  I'm always  up for time with my family and Anna is truly a dear sweet friend so I told the girls and it all worked out for us all to meet a Sammie's for BBQ. 

The girls, babies and son-in-law all go in to get a table and Pat and I sit in the car waiting a minute on Anna to get there and here she comes around the driveway.  We get out of the car and greet each other and walk in and the kids have found the perfect table where we will all fit.  I get around the back of the table and my sister helps me get my jacket off and I get seated and look over at a couple that has just walked in and sat down, the man facing me.  We exchange smiles and I hear him place his drink order and I did a double-take and it is Nolan Ryan and his wife having dinner at Sammie's BBQ in Riverside.  Everyone was seated by now at our table and I just quietly under my breath tell everyone ... Don't look now but Nolan Ryan and his wife are here for dinner.  He has his glasses on to read the menu so at first the family didn't think it was him ... I knew it was because I heard him order his drink and he has a distinct voice.  No one else in the restaurant (not that Sammie's dining room is that big) knew he was there until he got up and they left.  My son-in-law did go over and got him to sign the back of my grandson's picture that he carries in his wallet.  It was a pretty awesome night.  And the ribs were superb. 

I don't know what today holds but I do know who holds today. 

Isaiah 41:13    I am the Lord your God.  I take hold of your right hand.  I say to you, 'Do not be afraid.  I will help you.'

Blessings for this beautiful Sunday.

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