Dr. Y. did a breast exam where my breast would be and found no lumps - Praise the Lord. She listened to my lungs which I was most thankful for since I really don't know what was going on last week with my body and the temps and all sounded good - Praise the Lord. She listened to my heart and I figure it's still ticking really well - Praise the Lord. She also felt of my ovaries which by now are probably doing their shriveling act due to the chemo - Praise the Lord. No estrogen coming from there, however, the night proved to be one big sweating hot flash after another last night. So something is drying up and dying. She then sat me up and looked at my arms. And it's happening. Lymphedema has started in my left arm where the 16 lymph nodes were taken out. Oh how I was hoping that this would not happen. It is not bad at this point and only in the top part of my arm and not down in to my hand. She wants me to go to lymphedema therapy which is a massage technique and they will fit me for a sleeve. She says caught early she said in some cases it can improve with time. So the office is getting me set up for the lymphedema therapy as soon as possible. In actuality, I knew there was a slight swelling in my upper left arm and I knew what it was but never said anything. Another issue she ask me about was blurry vision and that's been happening also. It's not all the time, primarily while watching TV for long periods of time. Dr. Y. ask me if my eyes were tearing much and I said no. She said that's a very big concern for chemo patience. Praise the Lord this isn't happening. So once we went over all of the above, she released me for my chemo treatment yesterday.
Once the chemo got started, my insides became very tender again just like during treatment #1. I didn't have that with treatment #2 but this morning it seems better. Praise the Lord. It's really an indescribable feeling I get on my insides. Alverna heated up the corn chowder for our lunch. After that it was nap time. I can't figure out if the infusion of the meds or just sitting there for so long causes me to be so tired but something sure does. We had gotten started a little earlier with this infusion so we got out at 3:30 unlike the past two treatments where it was almost 5:00. Praise the Lord. Was able to eat dinner and then it was bedtime for me at 6:30pm sleeping most of the night except when the sweating flashes hit me about every 1 1/2 - 2 hours.
Up this morning, coffee doesn't taste very good, oatmeal with blueberries doesn't take very good, I was able to get my glass of OJ down but cold water it is for right now. I've taken my steriods and will begin my anti-nausea meds here shortly. Praising the Lord for no nausea.
Yesterday when I was making my bathroom stop before heading to take my infusion, I ran in to a girl now lady that I went to high school with who was beginning her journey with lymphoma. Carla C. looked as pretty as ever and said cancer was really nothing new to their family as her husband had fought colon cancer for the past year. My friends, cancer is running rampant everywhere. Please keep a check on your health and do all the testing that you can.
* I was able to take my round 3 and am half way finished.
* No nausea.
* Was able to walk with Tootie when I got home from my treatment.
* My dear friend, Alverna, who continues to be able to take me to my treatments and she knows just what to do when I get confused.
* My family supports me with such a sweet spirit.
* I have the best medical team a girl could have.
Prayer Request:
* Nausea stays away.
* Energy levels increase.
* Appetite returns.
* My friends who have been recently diagnosed with cancer. There are more than I mentioned above.
Thank you for continued prayers and support in reading my blog. You mean more to me than you will ever know.
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