L. C. and S. B. for putting so much work in to the quilt and know that every time I use it, I will think of the love that went in each stitch.
Above: Just look at the softness. Are you jealous?
Above: Notice the little pink breast cancer ribbons.
When I got to the radiology place in the Ben Hogan Center, I had to wait a few minutes which was OK. I had my mask on ... after all I was sitting in a doctor's office where there are major germs. I get a kick out of the stares and quick look-aways when people see me with my mask on my face and my cap to cover my bald head. <smile>
Soon the ultrasound lady came and got me and took me back. When we got in the room, she ask me why I was having my thyroid scanned and I told her about the PET Scan results. We chatted for a long time and she shared some stories about herself and her family and thyroid. Once again, Praise the Lord as I feel He put this woman in my path yesterday. After a bit she told me to get up on the table and lay down and the ultrasound began. The first thing she said was, "You have an ugly thyroid". I ask her what that meant. She said it was ugly and a little enlarged. OK, great. I wanted to know if she saw anything abnormal looking like a mass. She said she didn't see anything abnormal. ... I know I have to wait for a radiologist to read the scans for the official report. <smile> She told me that ugly thyroids are good. She said you don't want to see a normal thyroid with a mass on it. I found some images of thyroid stuff that I wanted to include in this post. I didn't find an image titled 'ugly thyroid' so I'm going to use my imagination as to what mine looks like. <smile> As I've said before, knowledge is power and the more we know, the better off we are. Pictures help me visualize things.
Above: This is not me but an image I found
of someone getting an ultrasound.
Above: Location of thyroid. Looks normal.
Above: An image of a normal thyroid
with a mass.
After the ultrasound I came home and rested a bit. While I feel good this week, I know I still have limitations as far as my energy and blood counts. After resting a while, I got some fresh brussel sprouts roasting and pulled the grill over to the patio to get ready to grill my fresh salmon fillet. It was early so I got caught up on my Jesus Calling devotionals and started reading the book of Job. I was very engrossed in my reading and unbeknownst to me, my sister had come over. I didn't see her at the front door so she decided to scare me to death and starting rapping on the door which made me jump completely out of my chair. If my blood was not pumping at that time, it was after she banged on the door. She had herself a good laugh and I have to start over reading Job because she scared all that I had read right out of me. I enjoy providing someone a good laugh. <smile>
Early this morning I logged in to my Next MD account which is where I knew I would get the results from the blood test. Praise the Lord !!!! I mean big big Praise the Lord !!!! Dr. A wrote that my lab results looked quite good and did not recommend any additional medications for the present. I will hear from her when she gets the results of the 'ugly thyroid' ultrasound. The blood results for my thyroid were normal. The blood results included my cholesterol and are good. Total is 183 with HDL 73 and LDL 97 ... this compared to 2010 when my total cholesterol was 259 with HDL 111 and LDL 121. In 2010, I met with my Cardiologist about my cholesterol and he had no concern due to my HDL (happy cholesterol) being so high. Since then I diligently eat healthy and use my Cardiologist recommended products that include plant sterols/stanols. Red wine also helps your cholesterol and before cancer I did indulge in a glass of red wine maybe three times a week. Since the cancer, I drink Welch's Grape Juice which has the same affect. There's something about the red grapes that help your cholesterol.
I want to share a quick comparison on my lettuce and spinach growing. These plants are flourishing and I'm happy.
Above: Newly planted spinach and Chinese
Above: Spinach and Chinese cabbage now.
Above: Newly romaine and bib lettuce.
Above: Romaine and bib lettuce now.
* Good reports from blood work
* Good energy
* Family who cares about me and gets on to me and brings me back down to realize, I'm still in a compromised health state.
* Being able to grill salmon last night for dinner. After my surgery, I didn't think I would ever be able to move my arms again much less grill salmon or anything else for that matter.
* People that God continues to put in my path.
* Knowledge --- The Neulasta shot I take the day after chemo affects my muscles, joints and makes me feel like I have the flu. Several people have told me to take Claritin (allergy med) for these side affects and it helps. Today those side affects are happening and I've taken the Claritin.
* Beautiful weather
Prayer Requests:
* 'Ugly thyroid' ultrasound comes back normal.
* Those beginning their journey through breast cancer.
* A co-worker and her family whose Father who passed away and the funeral is today.
Blessed and sending you blessings on this beautiful day!
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