Today is radiation treatment #7 ... Praise the Lord ... that means there are only 26 to go. Someone at work yesterday mentioned that I had five weeks left ... my preference is to use the day count down instead of saying FIVE WEEKS. <laughing> Unless you are sitting where I am sitting you probably do not understand this but it makes perfect sense to me. <smile> This morning I am taking donuts to the radiation folks. Dr. C, Radiation Oncologist, is the sweetest. He needs a nice donut from my neighborhood donut shop.
I am thankful that I am finished with chemo but I have to tell you that I miss seeing my friends that I made while taking chemo. I keep in touch with two of my survivor sisters and hope to always do that but I do miss seeing them. We are going to try to get to lunch or dinner very soon and I cannot wait to see them and catch up with them in person.
Some of the family were all together last night for a few minutes ... both grand babies, daughters, and my son in law were at my sisters. My son in law showed my sister how to Spanish texture her bathroom. Guess that's on tap for this weekend ... sure glad I got my port out.
Speaking of my port coming out, tonight I get to get the taped up incision wet in the shower. The last two nights I have used a covering over the incision because I couldn't get it wet. If I move wrong, I feel the soreness but for the most part, I do not feel it and figure it's healing well. Thankful!
Below are some garden pictures I took yesterday. Are you a redneck if you use shoe mold and tie wraps to stake your tomatoes? If the answer is YES, then call me a redneck. The two mistakes I am seeing as far as my first garden are 1) I did not use the tomato cages on my tomatoes for them to grow up in for support; and 2) I really need to trellis my cucumbers (I will be working on this over the weekend). Other than that, I think I have done very well. I harvested my first produce yesterday ... see below:
Above: Banana pepper for my sister. These are not hot so I don't really care for them but my sister loves them. |
Above: Now this is what I am talking about ... JALEPENO PEPPERS ... Baby! <smile> |
Above: See the shoe mold and the green tie wrap? It worked ... |
Above: My largest tomato. This was the first tomato and she is still growing. |
Above: Little Roma tomatoes. Aren't they the cutest? |
Above: Why I planted green bell peppers I have no idea. They are not my fav. I prefer the red, orange and yellow bells. |
Above: More banana peppers. |
Above: Beautiful dill. |
Above: Beautiful basil. Alicia used some of this Wednesday night in a little pasta dish she whipped up for dinner. |
Count your many blessings ... all of them ... even when you are walking through 'troubled waters' ... count those as blessings. Remember God is right beside you and knows what you are going through and He will not allow the waters to wash you away. Take your problems to Him and when you ask Him to help ... leave the problems with Him ... do NOT pick them back up and carry them with you. He's GOT it! He will take care of you.
So blessed and praying blessings for you today.
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