Grab a cup of coffee or a glass of tea, perhaps an ice cold Coke and sit a spell because this could be lengthy. I really miss having more time to write but I'm so thankful to be back working full time and doing a job that I like.
The week behind was extremely busy. I even got a little grumpy one day. OH NO! Yep, it happens ... it happens to all of us ... whether we admit it or not. I will not go into details because it doesn't matter. I tried to stay focused on what is really important and it certainly was not what happened that day. I will not waste my time on people who think they are above doing their job. Enough said ...
Last night I was being a Grammy and playing outside with Madelyn ... we were playing with little people riding toys. Now if you know me personally you know that I am not an extremely tall woman ... 5' 3" to be exact but even these toys are a struggle for me to ride. I got the big riding toy ... the choo choo and Madelyn had the little riding toy that fits her just perfect. The choo choo for me was pretty easy to ride around the patio. Then Madelyn decides we need to switch ... she wants the choo choo and I get the squatty little other thingy. uuuggghhh! I must say that this is not the prettiest picture of a 50+ year old Grammy trying to entertain her
on this little riding toy for fear the wheels would come off. At this point I must admit ... the ole gray mare she ain't what she used to be. <laughing .. and NO comments> It was fun trying to ride this thing and then it hit me .... I have to get up at some point. GREAT! Oh how I wished I was closer to that lattice wall over there or the chair that was about 3 feet from me. My knees were feeling the need for some greasing at this point. <laughing> There is a video of me getting up that my daughter sat in the CHAIR and made while she was laughing. I will try to upload the video but make no promises.
Before the riding toy event, we had to slide first. I cannot get in the fort thingy so I start sliding from the slide side. Now if you have ever seen one of these precious little forts and the width of the slide, it is not made for a grown up. I have to sit sideways to slide but you know you just gotta do it for the grandbabies.
After all the knee exercises on the riding toys, we loaded up and headed to Bonnie and Buddy's for some more Grammy fun. If you're not a Grammy or Pawpaw ... I really hope one day you will get to enjoy the fun of being one. It is awesome.
This morning I hit the floor running at 5:30am. By 9:00am I had both bathrooms cleaned and swept, dishes washed ... admission ... I like to hand wash those plastic containers that you put left overs in so you can put them in the fridge and wait for the food to go bad so you can throw it out. I do put those in the dishwasher on occasion (when I feel lazy) but we had several in there today so I got them all out along with the silver ware and hand washed all of them <don't judge me> <laughing>. I swept the hardwood floors in the den and wet Swiffered them, changed sheets on the bed, saw a precious little hummer feeding on one of my feeders, five loads of laundry all the while watering the yard. Alicia ask me before she left for work why I was watering the yard because THEY say it's going to rain. I told her ... well THEY have said it was going to rain before and it didn't rain over our house so I'm going to water ... you know just in case THEY aren't right. <smile> Things I didn't do ... dust and look for the dead rodent who found it's way in to my garage and croaked! Neither of these things are my favorite things to do but hey I've got the rest of the weekend to do that.
However, there are yard tools that ... Praise the Lord ... I didn't use the yard tools this year because I had someone do my yard. ---------->
<------Now this picture ... I'm not too proud of but I did it ... I take full responsibility for it. When I had my Honda car, I parked on this side of the garage. Well someone had parked behind me in the driveway and being the 'nice' person that I am, I didn't want to ask them to move their car so I maneuvered my little Honda car back and forth and got out ... but first I kinda crunched the wall. People see that hole and say ... what happened? My girls always say ... MOM did it! <laughing>
So here you have it ... a look inside my Friday. It's time for me to get ready and head to The Center ... there's a Look Good Feel Better class going on this morning. NO ... I'm not attending, I'm volunteering. God has given me all that He can as far as my looks so I work with what I have ... besides I took this class back at the beginning of my journey. I want to go support those beginning their journey.
I hope you've enjoyed our morning together. I sure have. God is good ... isn't He? If you ... like me ... got a little grumpy this week for one reason or another, it's OK ... just don't park there. The parking cost is way too expensive when we park in those grumpy spots.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 ... For everything give thanks, for this is the will of the Lord.
Blessed and praying many blessings for all who read this today.
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