When my brother, sister and I were growing up, we were taught from the 'git go' to respect our elders. We were taught yes ma'am, no ma'am, yes sir, no sir, please and thank you and anything else that showed respect for our elders. It didn't matter who the elders were, we respected them. In learning these lessons from my parents, my respect encompassed God once I became aware of Him and His greatness. And God, I would never get mad at God and I can honestly say that I do not remember ever being mad at Him. Now my sister, she's another story. <smile> We were reminiscing the other day and I ask her if she remembered when we went to talk to Brother Larry, our preacher at Springdale Baptist Church at the time, who would be conducting our Mother's funeral. Mother had not passed away yet but Brother Larry was a wise man and told us one day, "it's easier to make funeral arrangements for the living than it is for the dead", so that day we visited the funeral home, bought Mother a new red pant suit to be buried in, and went to talk to Brother Larry about the service. I was eight months pregnant at the time, Pat had just had her oldest son so emotions were flying high. After we talked to Brother Larry about the service ... Pat all of a sudden blurted out .... Brother Larry I'm so mad at God for taking our Mother. OH MY GOSH she did not just say that ... I almost fell out of my chair and I just knew the church was either going to burn down that day with us in it or as soon as we walked out the front door, lightning was going to strike and get both of us. I know my jaw dropped and I probably started sweating. I could not believe she had just said she was mad at God. I mean really ... God was one of our elders and we were taught to respect our elders and He sits on a throne in Heaven and she is mad at Him. <Pat laughed so hard when I was telling her my story and feelings about her being mad at God> After I gathered the courage to speak again, I said, "Pat, you can't be mad at God". Brother Larry said ... yes, she can. You can get mad at God. I just thought to myself, ya'll go ahead and get mad at God, I'm not. We made it through the remainder of our vist with Brother Larry and no smoke came billowing in so the church wasn't burning down. It was a beautifully sun shiney day as we walked out of the church and there didn't appear to be any rain clouds or lightning so we made it. As Pat and I talked the other night, she said, "My God is big enough to take my anger and He loves me anyway". I know that He is and I know if I ever got mad at Him, it would be OK. So if you ever want to get mad at God about a situation you're going through, it's OK. He is way big enough to handle your anger. Just do not ever walk away from Him because He is always going to be right beside you ... angry or not.
I went for my blood count check yesterday and Praise the Lord, it was good. My red blood cells were up .5 so I will continue beef once a week and the raisins in my oatmeal (that's a three fold good eat... oatmeal for cholesterol, raisins for red blood cells and Benacol butter for cholesterol). My energy level has been great. Praising the Lord for a good report and high energy. This Friday I will go back and do blood work again and see my Oncologist, Dr. Y. I always see Dr. Y or Helena before chemo. I have some questions for her like what happens next after I am finished with chemo? When can I get my port taken out? My chemo will be on Monday morning and then I will be finished with that leg of this journey. Praising my Lord all the way.
Dinner was really good last night, just ask my weight. The roast cooked up perfectly and made the best gravy, mashed potatoes were great and the fresh steamed broccoli ... well you just can't beat that. I had just enough for left overs for lunch today. Yummy!
Today I celebrate my 56th birthday. In age I have out lived both of my parents ... my Dad passed away at the age of 54 from a heart attack and my Mother passed away at age 55 from lung cancer. I am very thankful to have the health I have. Praising the Lord.
* My health.
* My family.
* My friends.
* Another birthday ... another opportunity to share my Lord.
* Medical personnel who have helped me so much.
* Being a Grammy.
* My home.
* My job.
* So so so many more praises.
Prayer Request:
* My sweet friend, Elizabeth, daughter needs our prayers. God knows the issues so please pray for Sarah. Pray for Elizabeth and her hubby, Scott, as they walk with Sarah for complete and whole healing.
* A survivor sister from the Center. She is on her second round of breast cancer and chemo. Her name is Rena. Pray for her hubby and their two young sons also.
* All those beginning their breast cancer or any other cancer journey. It seems such a long road when you find out ... with God the road seems a less treacherous.
Thank you again for continuing to keep up with my journey through reading my blog. I wish for you a beautiful day where ever you are and that many blessings shower down on you today.
Blessed and much love your way!
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