"Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father's house has many rooms; if it were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to to prepare a place for you? And if I got there and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the place where I am going."
I find comfort in the above scripture, do you? My prayer is that you know my precious Jesus and realize and understand what He did for you and me. He died on the cross to save us. He loves us no matter what. I am thankful this morning that He took the nails in my place that day on the cross.
Saturday was a busy day around our house. My sweet sister, Pat, Alicia, Madelyn and I worked all day to get Madelyn's room fixed up and beautiful. Yes, it was a mighty busy day and we were all exhausted last night but how very worth it was. P. S. If you ever ever ever need an 'organizer', let me know ... my sister is the best. She loves to do that type of thing. She has a special gift of organization. Thank you Pat for all you do for us.
I am feeling better every day. I still have the thrush in my mouth and am continuing to take the Diflucan to get rid of the thrush, in the meantime it is so strange what I can and cannot taste. We had Mexican food last night (take out) and all I could taste was the guacamole and chips and salsa. My main dish which was bean dip with hamburger meat had no taste. I know the thrush will go away soon and I will be back to tasting things again. It is so funny (kind of) to experience this fungal stuff. Oh and I brush my teeth about nine times a day just because I feel like I need to do that. I don't really have to do that and I have to be very careful not to hurt my gums but it just makes my mouth feel better.
If you are or have been a chemo patient I would like to hear from you about the following. It seems starting with my fourth round of chemo, I began having weakened legs. I am figuring it is the lack of regular exercise, the accumulation of the chemo drugs in my system after so many rounds, and in general just a weakness of my body. Yesterday with all the activity, I did pretty well. I know that this will get better and I must be patient. After all, my activity level for the last five months hasn't been my norm. And as I look, today is the fifth month anniversary from my breast reduction surgery. Praising sweet Jesus on how far He has brought me.
I will be happy when I am able to attend worship service again. I attend a mega church satellite service near my home ... Gateway Church. I miss the worship service, the music service ... the whole worship experience. I am able to listen on my computer to the sermon ... for that I am thankful.
Yesterday in the mail I received a card from my friend, Peggy. Peggy and I went to school together and didn't really run around with the same people but in the last year or so have connected and find we are similar in so many ways. She lives in south Texas but when she is in town, we try to get together and visit and catch up. Anyway ... the card read:
On the front ----- Chemo Sucks ...
Inside ----- But if it sucks the cancer right out of you, then "yay, chemo!"
Thank you Peggy for such a unique card on chemo. It might me chuckle and I had to share it.
I close today with a very thankful heart ... so many blessings in my life. I pray you feel the same way no matter what you are going through. Remember ... Jesus is walking beside you and He carries you on those occasions when you cannot make it on your own. Let Him ... He loves you and knows your heart. Talk to Him ... He loves hearing from you. Jesus and I chat all day long.
Blessed and praying for many blessings for you. Thank you, as always, for your continued support and reading and staying in touch with my journey through my blog. Remember ... share share share with any and all your friends. Knowledge is priceless.
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