COME AWAY WITH ME for a while. The world, with its nonstop demands, can be put on hold. Most people put Me on hold, rationalizing that someday they will find time to focus on Me. But the longer people push Me into the background of their lives, the harder it is for them to find me.
*** Just curious did these words kinda slap anyone else up beside the head besides me? The opening line is so incredibly sweet. Have you ever thought about putting the world on hold? I guess I probably have but did I ... NO! Have you ever put God on hold and said "I'll get back to you, Lord". Yea buddy... we all have. And how true is the last sentence? The longer you push someone away, the harder it is to go back.
You live among people who glorify busyness; they have made time a tyrant that controls their lives. Even those who know Me as Savior tend to march to the tempo of the world. They have bought into the illusion that more is always better; more meetings, more programs, more activities.
*** Why do we like to be so busy? Why do we think more is better? If we are busy, we do not have to spend time alone with ourselves much less our awesome God. Busyness takes over our lives and that is such a detriment to where we should be.
I have called you to follow Me on a solitary path, making time alone with Me your highest priority and deepest Joy. It is a pathway largely unappreciated and often despised. However, you have chosen the better then, which will never be taken away from you. Moreover, as you walk close to Me, I can bless others through you.
*** Today as I hit the door to go to my car after work ... I remembered the first sentence of this devotional ... COME AWAY WITH ME for a while ... and I smiled. I let the day that was full of busyness go and I went away with my God. I got in my car and had my beautiful KLTY Christian music station on and as I drove home the day melted away and I know God was smiling. I let go of my busyness and spent time with Him. I challenge you tomorrow and the many days to come ... as the world tries to wrap you in busyness, listen and God will say ... Come away with me for a while.
The scripture I left you with this morning Luke 10:38-42 describes Mary and Martha. Martha was always busy and even busy when Jesus stopped in, however, her sister, Mary was listening to Jesus. Of course Martha gets upset with Mary because she doesn't feel like her sister is pulling her share of the load ... cooking and preparing a meal for Jesus. I can imagine Jesus sweet voice as He said ... "Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; but only a few things are necessary, really only one, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her." He was pretty much saying ... 'so sit down and listen. All that you are doing doesn't make one bit of difference. Hearing what I say and spending time in my presence should be your priority'. *** Now I have to tell you that pre-September 15, 2011, I was an extreme Martha ... I probably put the capital M in the name. Since that date ... I try desperately to be a Mary. I pray that for us all.
Quick jury duty update ... Yesterday was my jury duty day and I went. It was for the City of North Richland Hills ... and the cases turned out to be traffic tickets. You know those people that get speeding tickets BUT they didn't deserve them? Those people ... two of them. Two men ... one was cited for going 72 in a 50 mph zone. HELLO! That's 22 mph over the speed limit. AND the other man was cited for going 55 in a 30mph zone. I do not think either one of these men could possibly come up with a good enough excuse to make me vote NOT to make them pay a fine.
Now, let me interject a little something about myself here ... after my last moving violation I got from a State Trooper for speeding (82 in a 70 and if I had been going much faster I would have been taken to court right then ... small town Texas) I took me a Defensive Driving course which proved to be very informative ... I try never to go over the speed limit but about 2 mph and those people that get on your bumper when you're in the left lane going as fast as possible ... just pull over and let them go around you so they get on someone else's bumper ... it is not worth the aggrevation of watching someone ride your bumper.
So on with my jury duty story ... The State prosecutor got up in front of us 22 people who were off work listening to all this talk about driving and it became blah blah blah you know what I'm talking about, don't you? And then we were going to have to hear why both of these men were going so fast and didn't think they deserved a ticket. The prosecutor was at least nice looking and had a good sense of humor. After he chatted about .... uh uh uh I don't remember ... he ask some kind of question about being biased ... something like ... do any of you feel like you are biased for any reason and would not be able to give these two men a fair trial. I looked down my row of 11 people and down row number 2 behind me that also had 11 people and no hands were up ... I gulped and slid my hand up. Well let me tell you that Mr. Prosecutor guy was down at the other end of the row and he came swiftly to where I was sitting ... bent over the rail to get a look at my name tag and said ... Yes, Ms. Morrison, can you share why you feel you would be biased? Well heck yea I can ... and I told him my story about my last moving violation and defensive driving and that I set my cruise control in my car even when I am in a 30 mph zone. I told him that he could call any of my family to verify that I was telling the truth and not just trying to get out of jury duty. He didn't think that was necessary to contact my family ... and then I said ... If you do the crime then you need to pay the fine.
Please know that I love this jury duty thing ... I think it's because I'm nosey (at least I admit it) ... not really nosey- ok maybe just a little, but I do find the law and not so smart people interesting ... so I really wasn't trying to get dismissed. If I wanted to be dismissed, I would have gone in front of the judge after he had given us all the reasons we could be dismissed (which did not include anything that fit the bill for me) and I would have told him that I was three weeks post op from a complete hysterectomy and my bladder has a tendency to fill up really quick and when it gets really full, I have to sing that song .... 'Gotta go gotta go gotta go right now'. Remember that commercial about women's incontinence medicine? Well I do and I'm singing that song right now <smile> Anyway I chose to not go in front of the judge and tell him about my 'gotta go gotta go' bladder ... one reason I was already about to wet my pants and the other reason was ... I don't think I talk quiet enough so all those other 21 people and the guard guy, court reporter and the two helper women couldn't hear me.
So to make this jury story even longer ... not really ... After Mr. Prosecutor talked for 12 hours, ok maybe only about 35-40 minutes -- keep in mind that I was getting ready to burst out in verse of 'gotta go gotta go ....' I got dismissed along with two other verbal ladies. I wonder what happened to the men who were exceeding the speed limit by so much ... but I guess I'll never know. Good luck guys .. you probably should use your cruise control.
Coming soon ... a post titled ... There Will Come A Day ...
* I'm feeling really good. Thankful that surgery is behind me ... I'm moving forward.
* My grand babies are growing by leaps and bounds.
* My girls are such good Mommies.
Prayer Request:
* My friend, Patti, is having surgery tomorrow.
* Friends who are going through rushing troubled waters involving a sweet newborn baby. Pray hard for this situation, please.
* All my survivor sisters who are continuing through treatment.
* Anyone recently diagnosed with a dreadful disease.
Blessed and praying blessings for you.
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