Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Day After ....

What an incredible Christmas I've had ... I am so blessed with such a wonderful family.  We have so much fun gathering together, cooking, eating, cleaning up and loving each other AND separating the older littles as they fuss over each others toys <big smiles here>.  Due to such extended family for my girls, we celebrate our Christmas gathering on Christmas Day afternoon after the littles have had their naps.  I could not wait for everyone to get here yesterday.
 Justin manned the grill in the cold and blowing snow ...  cooking jalepeno poppers and beef and chicken fajita meat.  Pat and I had picked up the sides for our fajitas at our local Mi Pueblo Mexican Cafe so it was a matter of heating things up and setting things out .... NOW that's what I'm talking about.  Easy peasy!  The evening ended with the present opening and and trash bags full of wrapping paper.  OH and the snow was an added bonus.  I hope you and yours had the same Christmas blessings as we did.


I'm feeling better after a week and a half of being down with acute sinus infection.  So thankful for this.


Reflecting on last Christmas ... December 19, 2011, I took my second round of chemo but all in all I had a great Christmas last year.  Thankful that this year it was just a sinus infection and I had been taking antibiotics long enough that I was feeling well.


I love Christmas and giving to others.  It's the fun part of Christmas for me.  I like surprising everyone with what I buy them.  How about you?  Please share your Christmas in the comment box below.


Looking toward the new year and all the blessings I know that it will bring.

Blessed and praying blessings for you today!

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