Sunday, February 3, 2013

Admissions and Other Stuff

I have to admit ... and do NOT think this is going to be a juicy admission because it's not ...<smile>  On Friday  my co-worker and I that pray together each morning were talking and it dawned on me and I ask ... isn't this super bowl weekend?  She said something like ... I don't know, I think so.  We looked at each other and laughed and I said ... who's playing?  <roaring laughter>  We had to Google who was playing in the super bowl ... then we laughed some more.  I have so many girl friends who know all about football, basketball and baseball and I admit ... I don't.  Probably my favorite sport and team is the Texas Rangers and I enjoy watching some ... note --- some ... snippets of baseball games but that's about it for me.  So there's my admission.
I know it's not very juicy but this admission is all I care to share with the world wide web.
And P. S. ... there will not be a super bowl party here at my house.  <laughing>

The week gone by was it's usual busy week.  It proved to be interesting.  All in all it was a good week. I got to spend time with my grand littles.  You know how everyone posts those poster things on Facebook about ... tell those you love that you love them and show them you love them and blah blah blah ... Words without actions are nothing.   Those are not just words for me and my own sweet  Mom truly lived out those words.  She always told us that she loved us.  I brought that into my motherhood and voiced my love for my family.  I frequently get precious pictures and videos from my girls that have my grand littles in them.  I am sharing a text I sent Bonnie the other day .... You and Alicia will never know how happy you both have made my life.  Not just my grand littles but because you are my girls.  I look at the women my girls have become, as well as, the Mothers they are and I beam with pride as I see many things they brought with them from their growing up years.

We have had some beautiful weather here in my area of Texas.  Yesterday being one of those beautiful days.  I got up and dressed in shorts knowing the temperature would warm up in the afternoon which is when I had plans to plant my lettuces, greens, sweet peas, etc.  The morning was filled with cleaning house ... well part of it anyway.  Today I will finish up with the cleaning of the bathrooms.  Enough about cleaning ... let's get outside.

I had put all my big pots behind the shed and it was time to break them out.  I got the dolly to move the pots because they still had good soil in them <waste not, want not>.  One by one the large pots made their way to the patio where the flats with the starter plants were waiting.  Madelyn and I took our hand tools and broke up the soil ... finding two big wasp that had buried themselves in the soil for the winter.  Don't cry but they met their demise under my tennis shoe and were buried (thrown) over the back fence.  Caution ... do not leave a 26 month old on the patio with your starter plants.  I went to get another pot and Madelyn was waiting for me on the patio where she decided she would try to plant one of the red lettuce starters.  I guess she got bored with it after she pulled it out of the little root box and left it lay on the patio.  It must have taken some abuse because it was wilty and limp but it got planted anyway.  I'm sure it will come back.  So here's some pictures I took after we were finished.  There are four large planters with the greens and their little stickers that tells me what they are.  Madelyn called these little sticker things ...  bandaids and kept pulling them out of the planters.  Some of these things I've never grown before so I really would like to keep the stickers aka bandaids by the plants, however, I sincerely doubt this will happen.  <smile>

Above:  Green lettuce in the fore ground
red lettuce in the back ground.
The plant at the very top is the one left
laying on the patio. 

Above:  Spinach - I think! 

Above:  Close up of spinach.  

Above:  This is the 'greens' planter.  Turnip
greens and cabbage
 and other stuff that I can't remember.

Above:  Three leafy lettuce plants.  There is
room in this planter for some more. 

Above:  Sweet pea starter plants.  I put this
planter by the arbor trellis so these  little jewels will
grow up the trellis.  My brother says sweet peas
are delightful. 

I went to the memorial service of a retired NWS employee this past week.  Hub was a sweet helpful man who loved his family and friends.  As I sat there in that service, the thought that none of us are promised the next second, minute, hour or tomorrow once again crossed my thoughts.  Hub grabbed every minute of his life.  Since my cancer diagnosis I came to realize that perhaps I had not always appreciated these precious seconds, minutes ....  I certainly do now.  I tell you today ... do not take these your life for granted.  You say ... well I'm going through a tough time or life is tough ... I will agree but again since my diagnosis, I look at the not so good situations as opportunities ... I'm alive, I'm here to work through these tough times AND I'm thankful.  Tough times are temporary ... know there will be a light at the end of that troubled tunnel.

So here's my 'admission' and my other stuff for the week.  Life is good ... I am blessed.  I know how precious every day is and I appreciate every second.  Gifts come in different packages ... learn to recognize those gifts.  2 Corinthians 9:15 Thanks be to God for the indescribable gift.  

Blessed beyond and praying blessings for you today.


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