Sunday, January 29, 2012

Getting a Little Hat Support

My little grandbabies have been kind of intrigued with my bald head and also me wearing hats all the time now.  Madelyn constantly holds out her little hand to touch my head with or without my cap.  I decided yesterday that I would put one of the many head coverings I have to see how she would like it.  Here's a picture of her and I with our head coverings.

She keeps it on for a while and then realizes she has it on and off it comes.  She will pick it back up and try to put it on herself.  She usually needs a little help.

Above:  A girl needs a hat and a pacifier to ride the choo-choo and Aunt Pat to work a puzzle.

Today I hope to get to see Braxton and get some pictures with him in one of my hats... a more manly color than purple of course.  I can't wait to see him.

Saturday was busy trying to organize the medical bills and make files for each entity that I owe.  Organization is the only way a person could keep up with all these bills.  You get bills from people and places you don't know but somehow they touched a piece of your life (blood, cultures, x-rays, etc) so it is all good.  I praise God for the folks who have taken care of me, whether I've met them or they are behind the scenes and for the job I have that affords me to pay these bills.

I masked up and had my hat on and my sister and I went to Walmart yesterday.  Yes, I got stared at just a few times but it's not everyday you see a bald headed lady with a mask walking through Walmart.  <laugh>  I was perfectly OK wearing the mask.  I ask my sister if she was embarrassed and she said "absolutely not".  The one thing that I needed that I would have had to walk by the pharmacy to get, my sister when and got for me so I didn't go anywhere near where people were getting prescriptions.  When I'm not in my bubble (my house), I feel much safer with a mask.  The picture below was taken at the Center last week when I had my blood work.  And if you have not ever had the opportunity to buy a box of these masks, they are $10.00 for 25 of them and that works out to .40 cents each.  Well if your nose drips while you have these on, that makes for an expensive tissue.  <laughing out loud>  Just thankful I have the masks.

It is unbelievable how much better my surgery scar under my left arm where they took the 16 lymph nodes feels by doing the procedures that Linda, lymphedema therapist, has shown me.  I believe the clump of tissue that was left under the incision is actually shrinking in size which is a blessing.  When my bat wing (my flabby underarm muscle) rubs on the clump of tissue, it gets kinda sensitive.  I want to begin doing some arm exercises which I have been given the OK to do.  I need to find my 2 1/2 lb weights ... don't want to start out with too much.  <smile>  I figure every little bit helps and it's better than doing nothing.  Right?  Right!

Today I begin the steroids for round 4 of chemo which is scheduled for tomorrow.  Praying that I can stay on schedule and I ask that you pray that also.  I have run a low grade temp everyday since Wednesday which the hospital doctors told me was normal and should not interfere with the chemo.  I have kept and will take my temp log with me tomorrow along with the medicine log of the meds I was sent home from the hospital with just so everyone knows what I've taken and what has gone on with the temp.

Gotta run and get the day going ... after all it's already 6:18am.  My internal alarm clock continues to wake me up at 4:30am so I figure my body has had it's needed amount of sleep.  Let's get the day going.

*  Great Saturday
*  Got out of the house for a bit
*  Organization has begun for medical bills
*  Madelyn is beginning to feel better from her ongoing sinus infection
*  My family
*  My friends
*  My life

Prayer Request:
*  Fever doesn't keep me from taking the chemo
*  Unspoken request ... God knows what it is
*  Those who may be facing their first chemo treatment tomorrow

Thank you as always for the prayers.

Love and many blessings!

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