Saturday, October 29, 2011

Changing the name ....

If you are reading this blog, most likely you know me and if you don't but someone shared my blog with you, you know or will know that I have a sense of humor.  I've been told at times that it's a 'sick' sense of humor but none the less, I have a sense of humor.

When first diagnosed with cancer, I knew how I wanted to walk my journey through it.  I did not want to walk with my head down and a "poor pitiful me" mindset.  NO WAY!  I wanted to walk it glorifying my gracious God and being able to educate others in this dreadful disease.  I wanted to find the good in the journey and boy have I (that's another post).  I even found you can have a sense of humor while walking this journey. 

So with that said, I wanted you to know that I have decided that I will not say that I have had a mastectomy (no, there's no denial here ... read on), I've decided I will tell people that I have had a
breast reduction...  LOL ....  Find the humor here, I did. 

Another kinda funny story from this Saturday morning was when I told my oldest daughter that I used to have a beauty mark on my face just beside the left side of my mouth.  Oh, you know the Kitty from Gunsmoke kinda 'mole' on a woman's face ... well that's what I'm talking about but it was near the left side of my face.  Well years ago I got scared that it would turn to cancer and had it removed.  I told Alicia this story this morning and then I looked at her and laughed and said, "I got cancer anyway".  We both chuckled.

You see I have control over the way this cancer can make me feel or not feel.  I can be doom and gloom and 'oh whoa is me' or I can be upbeat and find the good about what's going on around me.  I chose the second.  Yes, I do have down days but I take a deep breath and I whisper a prayer and I put a smile on my face and get through those.  Even when we are completely healthy we all have down days.  It's what we chose to do with "those days" that matters.

While on a field trip to my sister's house (she lives across the street from me so it was a short field trip), I was in her study and saw the following poem.  Please take the time to read it, print it and put it somewhere so you can get to it and read it when you think things are just going all wrong.  Enjoy!

There is nothing --
     no circumstance,
     no trouble,
     no testing --
that can ever touch me until, first of all,
     it has gone past God
     and past Christ,
     right through to me.

If it has come that far,
     it has come with a great purpose,
     which I may not understand
     at that moment
but as I refuse to become panicky
     as I lift my eyes up to Him
and accept it as coming from His Throne
for some great purpose of blessing
     to my own heart,

No sorrow will disturb me,
No trial will ever disarm me,
No circumstance will cause me to fret,
     for I shall rest in the JOY
     of what my Lord is.

                         -- Alan Redpath

I leave you today with thankfulness.  I am thankful I was able to get up this morning.  I am thankful that I can now move my right arm more freely.  I am thankful that I know my left arm will be more mobile as the incision where they removed my lymph nodes heals.  I am thankful that even though I still have three drains, they are working properly and taking the fluid out of my body while it is healing.  I am thankful for the warmth of the sun as I stood in my driveway this morning.  I am thankful for the incredible love that surrounds me everyday from an awesome Father in Heaven and all His magnificent angels He has put around me to support and take care of me while I am walking this journey. 

Today I hope you find humor and laugh.  And when you laugh you will feel so good.


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